Sting - Raymond Huber


By: Raymond Huber

Paperback | 1 April 2009

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A thrilling adventure story from a bee’s point of view.

An action packed adventure story about a young honey bee called Ziggy who feels as though he is an outsider in his own hive. Sent by the Queen on a mission to discover how other bees live, Ziggy begins to unravel the clues to his own identity and the role of the bees in a secret military project.
  • Combines animal fantasy, science fiction and natural history for a unique fun story.
  • Exciting adventure story featuring an engaging characters with a strong anti-war theme.
About The Author

Raymond Huber lives in Dunedin. He has been a social worker, gardener, primary school teacher, lecturer, and is currently a writer and editor. He's written Science and English textbooks and short stories for children. Sting, is his first novel for Walker Books Australia, was short-listed for the NZ Post Book Awards for Children & Young Adults, Junior Fiction Category, 2010; and the Sir Julius Vogel Awards, Young Adult Category, 2010; as well as being a Storylines Notable Book, Junior Fiction Category, 2010

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