One Cheetah, One Cherry : A Book of Beautiful Numbers - Jackie Morris

One Cheetah, One Cherry

A Book of Beautiful Numbers

By: Jackie Morris

Hardcover | 1 September 2016

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A playful, lyrical text and striking images make this a spectacular counting book by an internationally renowned author and illustrator.

One cheetah, one cherry... Two dogs, two balls, one big, one small. Three bears, three bowls... and three silver spoons. Numbers one to ten are sumptuously illustrated in watercolour, with gold and silver leaf, and including elephants, tigers, swans, mice and more.

Industry Reviews

"The lyrical quality of the prose is the perfect accompaniment to the paintings...This is a really rich text in every sense of the word, with so much potential to support early language work and number development."

* English 4 - 11 *

"The pictures are gorgeous, full of small details which you pick up on a second or third reading. The detail is exquisite and the wording is playful and easy to read aloud. The end papers are stunning ... A playful lyrical text and striking images make this a spectacular counting book."

* School Librarian *

"A gorgeous counting book that brings animals and numbers together in exotic combinations."

* IBBY Link *

"If you like your books beautiful and your adding up to be aesthetically pleasing, then this is the publication for you. The sumptuous illustrations will make teaching little ones their sums a treat for parents and carers. Meanwhile, the bouncy rhyme and absorbing wording will keep kids interested in the additions."

* Booktrust *

"Should numbers or letters be lacking from your picture book library, however, here are a couple of Christmas essentials. Jackie Morris's One Cheetah, One Cherry: A Book of Beautiful Numbers is a particularly decorative counting book, and I especially approve of her 'four fine foxes, sharing strawberries' - balancing large fruits on the tips of their noses."

-- Kate Kellaway * Observer *

"A book to treasure."

* Books for Keeps *

"Stunning in design, colour and use of numbers for counting to ten. It combines maths and art with ease in glorious technicolour!"

* DolphinBooks - the blog *

"Exquisite watercolor-and-gold-leaf paintings of animals and objects that look as if they tumbled out of medieval illuminated manuscripts distinguish this counting book. (Picture book. 4-6)"

* Kirkus *

"Playful words, unexpected pairings and beautiful animal paintings combo=ine to bring us a very special counting book. The watercolour illustrations, each of which is a little work of art, are embellished with gold and silver leaf, and show us some lovely animals, including foxes, elephants, tigers, swans, mice and more. A beautiful book which takes counting books to a new dimension; one to pick up and pore over with delight."

* Parents in Touch *

"Once you've seen anything illustrated by Jackie Morris you know that you'll get a book full of pictures, all of which you'd be delighted and proud to hang on your walls. One, Cheetah, One Cherry: A Book of Beautiful Numbers is no exception...They're gorgeous pictures, full of small details which you pick up on a second or third reading. The detail is exquisite and the wording is playful and easy to read aloud. The book's elegant, but fun and there's plenty to discuss in the pictures."

* Playing by the Book *

'This look sensational. A playful counting book decorated by some truly beautiful creatures.'

-- Fiona Noble * The Bookseller *

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