The Spring Rabbit - Joyce Dunbar

The Spring Rabbit

By: Joyce Dunbar, Susan Varley

Paperback | 1 February 2015 | Edition Number 1

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The tender story of Smudge and his dream to have a brother or sister will appeal to any child awaiting the birth of a new sibling

Smudge is the only rabbit in the woods without a brother or sister. His mother tells him to wait for spring, but that is a long way off. In autumn, Smudge builds a leaf-and-twig brother, but he blows away. He builds a snow sister in the winter, but she melts. Will Smudge's wish for a sibling ever come true? This touching tale of the arrival of a new baby is perfectly complemented by gentle illustrations.

Industry Reviews
"Simply gorgeous . . . Ideal for children expecting younger brothers or sisters into their family" * EYE *
"A story I've always treasured" -- Jill Bennett * Red Reading Hub *
"Beautiful... perfect sharing book as both text and illustrations are a real joy." * Carousel *

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