Queen Celine - Matt Shanks

Queen Celine

By: Matt Shanks

Hardcover | 5 February 2019

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A funny, eco-friendly, politically-relevant picture book by super-talent Matt Shanks.

Celine Beaufort was an ordinary girl.
She did ordinary things,
On ordinary days,
In ordinary ways.
But every now and then, Celine was a Queen, Of a kingdom by the sea.

Celine Beuafort is queen of what she is quite certain is the most beautiful rock pool in the world. It's perfect. And to make sure nothing ever changes, she decides to build a wall around it. Unfortunately, that turns out to be a royal mistake. As self-proclaimed ruler, it's up to Celine to right her wrong and restore her rock pool to its former glory.

Industry Reviews
A simple and inviting story which effectively portrays its message with ease * CBCA: Reading Time Blog *
Every single page of this book is full of marvelous pencil and watercolour illustrations. There is so many details in this humorous story that children will just love it as they learn about being a leader and sharing. Learning about ecosystems and balance. It's a rhyming and perfectly written story of building walls and breaking them down * Child Blogger *

A wondrous parallel for the isolationist policies seen around the world, readers will recognise the ideas of openness and being welcoming to people coming to their shores, and be aware that some countries are building physical walls, while others have more subtle restrictions about their borders.
Readers will love looking at the range of creatures illustrated on each page, recalling their own adventures when visiting the beach

* ReadPlus *

Who knew one little picture book could pack so much punch. In this seemingly ordinary story about an ordinary girl who becomes queen of the most beautiful rock pool, Matt Shanks manages to convey a powerful environmental, political and social message, without being didactic. Celine is an endearing character, determined and self-assured, and Matt portrays her with charm and humour. The journey from indignation to realisation of her 'royal mistake' is completely natural, with a subtle message of recognising and righting our wrongs.

It also teaches children about inclusivity and sharing, along with the importance of caring for the environment, making it a must for families and classrooms.

* Kids' Book Review *

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