Uncle Eddie and the Hippos : Uncle Eddie Series - Lucy Farmer

Uncle Eddie and the Hippos

Uncle Eddie Series

By: Lucy Farmer, Kevin Burgemeestre (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 June 2009 | Edition Number 1

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Uncle Eddie‘s day is full of hungry hippos, sunbaking crocs and killer bees. Follow his adventures as ranger of an African national park in Uncle Eddie and the Hippos and Uncle Eddie and the Croc.

The grass in front of Uncle Eddie‘s hut is too high but when he tries to cut it himself he just cuts his hand instead.

After visiting the local chief, Uncle Eddie comes up with the perfect solution...or so he thinks!

About The Author

Lucy Farmer has been involved in wildlife conservation for 18 years. She lived in Zambia with hippos and crocs for many years and lived on a national park. Her brother Eddie now lives in that national park in Zambia and while he deals with the hippos and crocs his sister writes about them!

About The Illustrator

Kevin graduated from RMIT in 1978, majoring in illustration, before studying painting, print making and majoring in Children‘s Book Illustration at the Rietveld Acadamie in Amsterdam. He now divides his time between illustrating children‘s books and giving workshops to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, libraries, universities and teacher groups.

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