The Twelve Days of Christmas : 1 man, 12 days, 78 gifts : Heath MacKenzie Series - Heath McKenzie

The Twelve Days of Christmas : 1 man, 12 days, 78 gifts

Heath MacKenzie Series

By: Heath McKenzie

Hardcover | 1 September 2008 | Edition Number 1

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My true love is an adventurer. Whenever he is away from home, he sends me cards and little notes about the places he’s been. When he asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I said, “Surprise me.”
What a mistake!
Toucans from Costa Rica, swinging monkeys, pandas playing ping pong, sleeping sloths, peeping giraffes, hiding tigers – I mean, the cards and letters are great, but where does he think I’m going to keep all these creatures!

Christmas is a time of giving and some people will do anything to find that perfect gift. But when one romantic man scours the world for inspiration, he may be taking things just a little too far...

About The Author

Heath McKenzie once had a granny — in fact he had two. Whilst neither Granny ever invented robots, powered through triathlons or suffered disastrous road accidents they were, nevertheless, prone to buying him gifts, cooking fabulous food and appearing on TV game shows.