The Tale of the Valiant Ninja Frog - Alastair Chisholm

The Tale of the Valiant Ninja Frog

By: Alastair Chisholm, Jez Tuya (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 2 December 2020

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Sometimes being small means you can be the biggest hero of all!

Jamie and Abby are camping with Dad and they tell a bedtime story together. This story will star their favourites: a prince, a witch, a thief and some bears. "And the frog!" says Abby. This time there's a terrible giant who's stolen all the keys to the kingdom. No one can get into their homes! No one can start their horses! It's a real mess. Our heroes must sneak into the giant's castle and retrieve the keys. But when it comes to the crunch, only a tiny froggy hero, who's also a NINJA, can defeat the mighty giant!

A story within a story that celebrates family time together.

About the Author

Alastair Chisholm began his career as a software developer in Edinburgh. His interest in devising and tackling logical problems led him to create the hugely successful Kids Book of Sudoku and Kids Book of Karuko puzzle book series. The Prince and the Witch and the Thief and the Bears was his first picture book and this is a follow-up.

About the Illustrator

Jez Tuya has been a professional illustrator for over ten years. During this time, he has worked for many clients in children’s book publishing and has designed characters for animated films and television shows. He currently lives in Wellington, New Zealand.

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