Tropical Terry - Jarvis

Tropical Terry

By: Jarvis

Paperback | 1 July 2018

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Terry wants to stand out. But, in Coral Reef City, it's sometimes better to blend in...

Coral Reef City is home to the most dazzling shoals of tropical fish in ALL the ocean. And then there is Terry. Terry looks grey. Terry feels dull. And although he is the best at playing "Hide A Fish", he can't help but wonder: Just what would it feel like to be part of that dashing, flashing crew? So, with the help of his friends, he fashions a flashy costume and is ready to impress... "Hello-o-o everybody! Just call me TROPICAL Terry!" But will life as a tropical fish be everything he always dreamed of?

With his trademark humour and vibrant art, the award-winning Jarvis tells a heart-warming comedy of self-esteem; a story about learning to love your own scales and take pride in what makes you different.

About the Author

Jarvis studied graphic design and previously worked as a record sleeve designer, website designer and an animation director before becoming a children’s book maker. His books with Walker include Mrs Mole, I’m Home! and Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth, which won the 2017 V&A Best Illustrated Book. Jarvis lives in Manchester with his wife and their dog and cat.
Industry Reviews

It's witty, warm and has a cast
of characters made for doing funny

* Gurgle *

A story about remembering
who you are (even if that's only
triggered by the prospect of
being eaten by an eel named
Eddie), the illustrations are
beautifully psychedelic.

* Daily Post (Wales) *
"[...] the illustrations are beautifully psychedelic [...] will make little ones rather keen to draw their own underwater world." * Grimsby Telegraph/ Bristol Post *
"Tropical Terry really explains how important friendships are and also, why you shouldn't try to change just to 'fit in'." * MeHimTheDogAndTheBaby *
"[...] a lovely picture book about appreciating what makes everyone unique and how we can undervalue individuals at first glance." * SevenStories, HooksIntoBooks, Autumn Pack *

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