Dolls of Hope : Friendship Dolls - Shirley Parenteau

Dolls of Hope

By: Shirley Parenteau

Hardcover | 22 September 2015

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How daring is Chiyo prepared to be to keep the American Friendship Doll safe? Inspired by a little-known historical event, this engaging companion toShip of Dolls is told from a Japanese girl's point of view.

When eleven-year-old Chiyo Tamura is sent from her home in a small Japanese mountain village to a girls' school in the city of Tsuchiura, she never imagines that she will soon be in Tokyo helping to welcome more than twelve thousand Friendship Dolls from America-including Emily Grace, a gift to her own school. Nor could she dream that she'd have an important role in the crafting of Miss Tokyo, one of fifty-eight Japanese dolls to be sent to America in return. But when an excited Chiyo is asked to be Emily Grace's official protector, one jealous classmate will stop at nothing to see her fail. How can Chiyo reveal the truth-and restore her own good name? In another heartwarming historical novel, the author ofShip of Dolls revisits the 1926 Friendship Doll exchange, in which teacher-missionary Sidney Gulick organized American children to send thousands of dolls to Japan in hopes of avoiding a future war.

About the Author

Shirley Parenteau is the author of many books for young people, including the historical novel "Ship of Dolls " and the picture books "Bears on Chairs, Bears in Beds, and "Bears in the Bath." She lives in Elk Grove, California.
Industry Reviews
Chiyo's struggle to live up to societal and gender-based expectations while also following her heart feels genuine and cheer-worthy...Chiyo's affection for Emily Grace fascinates, and the message of friendship and peace between nations endures.
--Kirkus Reviews

Fans of the first book will enjoy following Emily Grace across the world to her new home--and getting an intriguing look at Japan's own project to send dolls to the U.S. in exchange.
--The Horn Book

The cultural differences arising from the Japanese setting here will intrigue readers, while Chiyo's personality, emotions, and difficulties with Hoshi make her an engaging character...An appealing choice for historical fiction fans.
--Booklist Online

Doll aficionados, those who like boarding school books, and fans of the first title will not be disappointed.
--School Library Journal

Chiyo must make decisions to protect the doll and to honor her family's vision for her.
--Literacy Daily

Readers will identify with Chiyo's struggle to make new friends and her excitement at being chosen to be in charge of the American doll that is designated for her school.
--School Library Connection

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