From the creative team of GIDEON FALLS and PRIMORDIAL
comes the first book in a bold and ambitious new shared horror universe! When a
geologist is sent to a remote lighthouse to investigate strange phenomenon he
finds a seemingly endless pit in the rocks. But what lurks within and how will
he escape its pull?
first of a dozen new interconnected projects making up THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS
The Bone
Orchard Mythos is an ambitious expansion for the powerhouse creative team
and will span multiple books and across a variety of different storytelling
formats. Each title will tell its own unique, self-contained tale some as
stand-alone hardcover graphic novels, some as miniseries comics, and some as
longer format maxiseries comics but they will all be set within the same world
and add to the overall Bone Orchard
The team plans to release at least two
new titles each year, for the next several years. In Summer 2022 the horrors
begin with a hardcover graphic novel titled, The Passageway which follows a
geologist sent to a remote lighthouse to investigate a strange phenomenon. In
2023 Lemire and Sorrentino will follow up with a miniseries collection titled,
Ten Thousand Black Feathers, and then another original graphic novel hardcover
in 2023 titled Tenement.
About the Author
Jeff Lemire is a New York Times bestselling and award winning author, and creator of the acclaimed graphic novels Sweet Tooth, Essex County, The Underwater Welder, Trillium, Plutona, Black Hammer, Descender, Royal City, and Gideon Falls. His upcoming projects include a host of series and original graphic novels, including the fantasy series Ascender with Dustin Nguyen.
Andrea Sorrentino is an Italian artist who got his professional start illustrating licensed projects at Wildstorm before its closure in 2010. He's worked for many publications since then, and is the artist on Image Comics' GIDEON FALLS.
Industry Reviews
"Sorrentino's hyperrealistic, heavilyphoto-referenced art creates an eerie sense of heightened reality in which thecrashing waves, looming lighthouse, and craggy faces of locals are as menacingas John's blood-drenched hallucinations. The page layouts disorient effectively,with panels forming concentric circles, or toppling vertiginously down the page,with the icy landscape perpetually hovering at the close of a fog-shroudedday." -Publishers Weekly
"Sorrentino exhibits a mastery of illustrativetechnique, conveying creeping dread through oddly angular or looping layouts ofoverlapping panels, depicting unexpected details in the first half of thisvolume and later expressing cosmic terror with starkly realistic double-pagedepictions of inexplicable landscapes." -Library Journal
"One of the year's essential horrorstories." -ScreenRant