Search results for tag: sharp objects

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Liked Gone Girl? Then you’ll love the novel that started it all, Sharp Objects. The winner of two CWA Daggers and shortlisted for the Gold Dagger, it’s another thriller from Gillian Flynn you won’t be able to put it down. It’s also one of the Books of the Month on the First Tuesday Book Club on ABC TV. Don’t forget to tune in on Tuesday the 2nd of July at 10pm to s... Read more

by | July 2, 2013

REVIEW: Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl (you’ll find no spoilers here) Review by Sarah McDuling

The thing about Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl is that a) you have to read it and b) you have to avoid spoilers at all costs. There’s a lot of buzz surrounding this book at the moment. People are talking. Whatever you do, you MUST NOT discuss this book with anyone who has read it. If a friend recommends Gone Girl to you and starts trying to tell you what it’s about, you need to block your ears... Read more

by | August 7, 2012