Bittersweet Freedom : What Would You Be Willing To Sacrifice To Live In Freedom? Would It Be Worth The Price? - Judith Bognar Bean

Bittersweet Freedom

What Would You Be Willing To Sacrifice To Live In Freedom? Would It Be Worth The Price?

By: Judith Bognar Bean

Hardcover | 29 June 2019

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RRP $58.30



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BITTERSWEET FREEDOM - A Magnificent Drama of human suffering, courage, man's mortality, and selfless love. Gripping, funny, sad, galvanizing. Difficult to put down. A lesson inspiring each of us to appreciate every moment of life, and to love one another as if there were no tomorrow. A timeless and stirring work. (Amazon Review - Karolyet Greytonson)

BITTERSWEET FREEDOM's sweeping allegory peels back seven-decades in the lives of the author's family: from the shores of Europe to the shores of America, telling the mesmerizing Romantic Tale of her parents, two young, star-crossed lovers caught up in the turbulence of World War II and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

BITTERSWEET FREEDOM is a Majestic Story (both a memoir and biography) embedded with accurate historical accounts, entwined about the horrific atrocities suffered by her parents (as children) during World War II in Hungary, describing the unimaginable terrors inflicted upon them, and, the Hungarian people during the 1956 Revolution.

The author's father, Jozsef, a 1956 Hungarian Freedom Fighter, is caught up in surreal events beyond his control as he assumes the position of one of the major leaders of that revolt, rallying and urging his raggedly armed fellow countrymen onward as they fight in the bloody streets of Budapest against Soviet Oppression, taking Evil lives to save Valiant lives. Thousands of poorly armed Freedom Fighters gave their brave lives for Freedom's Sake as they pushed doggedly on against their superiorly armed oppressors to extinguish the Tyranny of Soviet rule from their beloved country of Hungary.

Written as a "story", not using traditional memoir format. the author has composed a shocking account, of how, with a death-sentence pronounced upon him by the Soviet Government, her father, her mother and the author (age two), make a harrowing, death-defying escape, fleeing at a moment's notice on foot through treacherous enemy terrain, to free themselves from the perils of tortuous persecution during the bleak, mournful days of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, seeking a small, narrow bridge shrouded in the mists of a swampy marshland. The boards of those rickety planks would carry the family into a vast, unknown void called "Freedom. The Bridge at Andau, Austria, the infamous bridge that would carry thousands of Hungarians to Freedom, for they would rather have died in their quest for liberty than to live forever-bound in the Iron Chains of Soviet Domination.

BITTERSWEET FREEDOM is a True Story of refugees seeking acceptance and refuge in America - A story echoing the headlines of today about immigration, survival, strong family ties, love, and sentiment. However, even in America - the family faces countless formidable enemies - Hateful ethnic persecution, destitution, and communal conflict.

BITTERSWEET FREEDOM is a True Story that proves that Love can last a lifetime, that Love can last even beyond a lifetime, that Love can last for eternity!

Now, more than ever, as the shadow of today's turbulent world events of Immigration, cultural inequity, national rebellion, and family discourse cloud our lives, the True Saga of BITTERSWEET FREEDOM will teach the divine life lesson of holding onto hope in the face of devastating adversity, and, to believe in the promise of the omnipresent, magnificent power of Love Everlasting.

Industry Reviews

1. Thoughtful, provocative, gripping, a tale of self-sacrifice and selfless love. April 29, 2018- "Magnificent drama of human suffering, courage, man's mortality, and selfless love. Gripping, funny, sad, and galvanizing. Difficult to put down. A lesson inspiring each of us to appreciate every moment of life, and to love one another as if there were no tomorrow. A timeless and stirring work." Karolyet Greytonson (Amazon book review)

2.. One of the most riveting and honest books I had read in a long time - December 24, 2018 - This book was much more than the story of a young family escaping to America during the Hungarian Revolution. It details the history of the family, Hungarian politics and culture and the family's struggle and eventual success in America. It will take your emotions all over the place and in the end make one realize the importance of a loving family, a strong work ethic, and forgiveness. Green Thumb - Amazon Book Review

3. Your lovely memoir resonated with me, especially as a first-generation American (Dominican on my father's side, Honduran on my mother's side). Also, my step-father was a Cuban exile and political prisoner who came to this country in his late thirties; I grew up with his personal account of life before and after an oppressive regime. I know very well what this country means to all who seek the freedom to pursue a better life. I hope the History Channel includes your family's story in a documentary series. Wishing you all the best and success with your book. Warm Regards, Rosana Starr (personal note sent to the author)

4. A family's love, forged in difficult times, is more important than financial success. July 3, 2018 - I picked up "Bittersweet Freedom" expecting a daughter's memoir of her father, a Hungarian freedom fighter. What I found was much more. In addition to a history of WWII and the Hungarian revolution, I got a very detailed picture of the effect of these events on a multigenerational family. The story magnifies the impact of those terrifying events under horrific circumstances. The immigration to America occurs halfway through the book. It seemed that the climax of the book was early, but no, the family's struggles to achieve the American dream was homage to the persistence of the human spirit forged in the Hungarian countryside. Overall, this is a love story of star-struck couples and a family's love and caring for each other in spite of human flaws that is inked into every page. Ms. Bean has created a very personal and I suspect, at times, painful story that documents a profound and eternal love shared by her parents and inherited by their family. I wish her success with this memoir, as it has not only opened my eyes to an often overlooked chapter of history, It has regenerated a belief in the indomitable human spirit. Ms. Judith Bognar Bean, BRAVO! Sam Newsome (Amazon Book review)

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Published: 29th June 2019

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