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The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book : Over 100 Recipes Inspired by the Film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead' - Joe Cross

The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book

Over 100 Recipes Inspired by the Film 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead'

By: Joe Cross

Paperback | 29 July 2014 | Edition Number 1

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"Before I started juicing, I was overweight and on medication to treat an autoimmune disease. By drinking only fresh vegetable and fruit juices while making my film, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, I lost the weight, got off those drugs and started feeling better than ever! To keep healthy and happy today, I drink a lot of juice and eat a balanced diet centred on fruit s and vegetables -this book will help you feel great too!" JOE CROSS

The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book includes healthy inspiration for your kitchen with Joe's favourite Reboot recipes to help you feel more energised than ever. Includes recipes for - Juices - Smoothies - Salads - Soups - Snacks - Main dishes A Reboot diet - a time of drinking and eating only fruits and vegetables - is a perfect way to power up your system and lose weight, increase your energy levels and think more clearly. And when you consume juice, your system is flooded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help your body stay strong and fight disease. Take control of your diet and improve your health with The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book.

About the Author

Joe Cross' personal story of transformation was chronicled in the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which has been seen by more than 8 million people worldwide. The incredible response to screenings of the film inspired Joe to create Reboot with Joe, making the tools, information and support available to enable anyone to reclaim their wellbeing. Joe is the author of The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet and spends time between Australia and the US, always with a juice in hand.
Industry Reviews
The juicing phenonemon is set to take the world by storm. * Daily Express *