Spotless : Room-by-Room Solutions to Domestic Disasters - Shannon Lush


Room-by-Room Solutions to Domestic Disasters

By: Shannon Lush, Jennifer Fleming

Paperback | 1 December 2005

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Spotless is the essential book for the kitchen bookshelf. Each chapter addresses the stains, cleaning and household problems that may come about in each room of the house: the kitchen, laundry, bathroom, bedroom, children's room - even outdoors on a deck or a patio.

Filled with easy, do-it-yourself solutions, handy hints, examples and listeners' questions and comments, Spotless will be referred to again and again and again.

About the Author

Shannon Lush is a fine arts restorer by profession and a mine of amazing household wisdom by inclination, information handed down throughout generations of her family.

Jennifer Fleming is a presenter and producer on ABC local radio, currently presenting a show on ABC local radio Newcastle.
Industry Reviews
As heard on ABC radio/ Health and Lifestyle

Other Books By Shannon Lush

Spotless A-Z : The Ultimate Guide to Stain Removal - Shannon Lush