One Sunday - Pamela Allen

One Sunday

By: Pamela Allen

Hardcover | 28 May 2014 | Edition Number 1

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Outside the wind blew. Ooooh! The trees groaned. Ahhhhh! And the tiny wooden house creaked. Eeeeeek!

Inside, a delicious roast dinner was cooking.

The little old man was expecting visitors. The little old woman said no one would come.

Who was right? Come inside where it's cosy and warm, and wait . . .

You might get a big surprise.

Here is a gentle story about home and hearth, about the comfort of ritual, and about opening your heart to the possibilities of life.

From the one and only Pamela Allen.

About the Author

Pamela Allen is a phenomenon in the world of children's literature. She has earned classic status through the enduring popularity of her stories with the very young. Her books include Grandpa and Thomas, The Potato People, Grandpa and Thomas and the Green Umbrella, Shhh! Little Mouse, Is Your Grandmother a Goanna? and Our Daft Dog Danny.

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