Doodledum Dancing - Meredith Costain

Doodledum Dancing

By: Meredith Costain , Pamela Allen (Illustrator)

Paperback | 29 March 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Between these pages, you will find pirates, shower monsters, dinosaurs, puppy dogs, and many other giggly rhymes to delight. Ideal for reading aloud, one-on-one, or to a group of children, who will love acting out the poems. With charming illustrations by Pamela Allen.

About The Author

She's a children's writer from Australia. She write everything from picture books to popular fiction and non-fiction for older readers. Her titles include Musical Harriet, Doodledum Dancing, Freeing Billy and It's True: Hauntings Happen and Ghosts Get Grumpy.

She live in Melbourne in an old bluestone house with my partner, writer and publisher Paul Collins, and a menagerie of pets – a kelpie and a red heeler, a cat, six chooks and two ducks - Ping and Pong.

About The Author

Meredith Costain lives in Melbourne with her partner, fellow children's author Paul Collins, six chooks, a cat, a kelpie and a red heeler. Her work ranges from picture books through to popular fiction and non-fiction for older readers. She is the literary editor of national children's magazines, Comet, Explore and Challenge.

Meredith has won several awards for her writing, including the Mary Grant Bruce Story Award and the Aurealis Convenor's Award. Her picture book Doodledum Dancing, illustrated by Pamela Allen, was an Honour Book in the Early Childhood section of the 2007 CBC Book of the Year awards.

Her most recent picture book with Penguin is Bed Tails, published in 2009 and illustrated by Mitch Vane.

Meredith regularly presents writing workshops for kids and adults in libraries and schools.

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