Australia's Greatest Inventions and Innovations - Christopher Cheng

Australia's Greatest Inventions and Innovations

By: Christopher Cheng, Linsay Knight, The Powerhouse Museum (As told to)

Paperback | 1 December 2012 | Edition Number 1

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In conjunction with the Powerhouse Museum comes this comprehensive guide to Australia's most innovative inventions as well as their amazing creators. Full of facts, photos and fun surprises for curious kids and grown-ups alike.

Imagine a world without wi-fi or clothes lines or lawnmowers or Vegemite or dual-flush toliets or even mousetraps.

Weird, huh?

These are just a few of the many inventions that have been created by clever Australians to solve some of life's difficult problems.

PROBLEM: How do you find clues that are invisible to the naked eye at a crime scene?

PROBLEM: How do you help a deaf person to hear everyday sounds?

PROBLEM: How do you access the internet without having to plug in your computer?

In Australia's Greatest Inventions and Innovations, you will find out about our nation's most ingenious inventions, their makers, and how to turn a bright idea into a useful creation.

Be inspired!

About the Authors

Christopher Cheng is an accomplished children’s author who writes fiction and non-fiction full time, conducts workshops and visits schools. He has a Master of Arts in Children’s Literature and has been a Literacy Ambassador for the Federal Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Week initiative. He is also an ambassador for the 2012 National Year of Reading.

His picture book One child, illustrated by Steven Woolman, won the Wilderness Society Environment Award for Picture Books (Australia) and the 2000 Skipping Stones Honour Book (USA). Christopher also worked with Sarah Davis on the critically acclaimed picture book Sounds Spooky, which has been nominated for an Aurealis Award in the picture book category, and is a CBCA Notable Book.

Linsay has written a number of non-fiction titles including two volumes of The Dictionary of Performing Arts (with two other writers)and Volcanoes and Under the Sea. She has edited various story collections, including 30 Australian Stories for Children, 30 Australian Ghost Stories for Children and Stories for 6,7,8 & 9 year olds.

In her spare time, Linsay enjoys playing the viola (she was the Principal Viola of the St Andrews Chamber Orchestra) and playing with her grandson, Ziggy.

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