RSPB A Little Bird Told Me : A collection of fascinating facts about birds - RSPB

RSPB A Little Bird Told Me

A collection of fascinating facts about birds

By: RSPB, Dominic Couzens, Charlie Bingham

eBook | 24 October 2024

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The perfect, fun-filled Christmas gift for birdwatching enthusiasts

Did you know that a bird's visible 'knees' are actually its ankles?
Have you ever noticed that owls don't have eyeballs - they have eye tubes instead?
Did you know that millions of house martins disappear in winter?

A Little Bird Told Me will answer all your burning questions about British birds. You'll never run out of wonderful facts to impress your friends and family!

This beautiful, illustrated gift book is a dip-in-and-out collection of bird-related trivia, with a mix of science, history, pop culture and everything in between.

The book will have a Christmas theme running throughout, covering birds synonymous with Christmas, activities in the winter, holiday traditions, history, culture and more. Perfect for birdwatchers of all ages, this fun-filled book is the best gift for anyone wanting to learn more about our feathered friends.
