Hunt the Space-Witch! - Robert Silverberg

Hunt the Space-Witch!

By: Robert Silverberg

eBook | 1 January 2015

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Space opera at its best wild and fast and furious, as only Robert Silverberg could write it As a young man, Robert Silverberg was a science fiction prodigy, turning out top-flight stories in the blink of an eye. Though written quickly, Silverberg s early prose already showed evidence of the literary and imaginative qualities that would make him a giant in the field. In Slaves of the Star Giants, electrician Lloyd Harkins finds himself transported from 1956 into a desolate far-future Earth ruled by monstrous aliens. And in the gripping title story, a spacer named Barsac risks his life and sanity to free a friend from the clutches of an evil cult by joining the cult himself. Filled with slam-bang action and dazzling speculation, these seven novellas pay eloquent homage to the Golden Age of science fiction and anticipate the groundbreaking work that has become Silverberg s legacy."