Command : Inside the Oval Office with Three Presidents, and the Wartime Decisions That Changed the World - BRETT MCGURK


Inside the Oval Office with Three Presidents, and the Wartime Decisions That Changed the World


Hardcover | 2 February 2027

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From one of the only senior national security officials to serve under Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, a riveting diplomatic memoir of America at war, and an exclusive insider’s look at how successive presidents made life-and-death decisions under pressure.

Since the attacks of 9/11, American presidents have exercised raw and unchecked executive power to make critical, fateful decisions for our nation. From Afghanistan to Iraq and Syria, enemies have been declared and Americans have fought and died based on presidential orders issued outside public view-and therefore with little scrutiny or accountability. But Brett McGurk deploys his insight as a vital player in the executive decision-making process to pull back the curtain on these crucial moments in modern American history.

From the Green Zone to the Situation Room, McGurk delivers an inside look at the last three presidents as they grapple with incomplete information and conflicting advice to make life-and-death decisions. Bush transformed his presidency over its last two years, becoming the most hands-on commander-in-chief since FDR. Obama demanded a rigorous process some saw as micromanagement, but others recognized as a key feature of what led to his election. Trump threw out the playbook. In page-turning prose, McGurk delivers riveting stories from his time as an American diplomat in Iraq and as a national security advisor in the White House, revealing how the vast differences in leadership and strategy among each president play out on the ground.

McGurk uses his close-up view of three presidents’ successes and failures to extract an urgent set of lessons about the best way to make the biggest decisions-the means, ways, and ends of policymaking. With implications from the White House to the Pentagon to boardrooms and organizations around the globe, Command lifts the mystique of wartime decision-making, illuminating the high-stakes choices made by a chosen few that profoundly affect us all.

About the Author

Brett McGurk served as a top national security advisor under Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump. As the formerspecial envoy in the campaign to defeat ISIS, he has been deeply involved in Middle East military strategy, diplomacy, and U.S. policy. He served as a law clerk to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist on the U.S. Supreme Court and is currently the Payne Distinguished Lecturer at the FSI Center for Security and Cooperation at Stanford University.

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