Search results for tag: Tim Winton

Tim Winton to release a new book, Island Home, this year!

NEWS FLASH: Arguably Australia’s greatest living writer, Tim Winton, will have a new book out in just a few weeks! Due to be released in September this year, Tim Winton’s Island Home explores the story of how his relationship with the Australian landscape came to be, and how it has determined his ideas, his writing and his life.  It is also a passionate exhortation for all of us to ... Read more

by | July 28, 2015

Australia’s Favourite Author 2015 – The Top 10

The day has arrived. Today we announce Australia’s Top 10 Favourite Authors, as voted by you. Before anything, we want to extend a HUGE thanks to everyone involved with this poll. To all authors, we owe you thanks on so many levels, but on this occasion thank you for rallying your fans and supporting other authors with such vigour. Oh, and for writing the books that we adore. We love you ... Read more

by | January 23, 2015

REVIEW: Eyrie By Tim Winton (Review by John Purcell)

While reading Tim Winton’s latest novel, Eyrie, I couldn’t help thinking about Charlotte Wood’s Animal People, Zadie Smith’s NW and to a lesser extent, Julian Barnes’ Sense of an Ending. All four books have been published in the last five years. Each chronicles the lives of people making do within a society they have inherited. Each book is despairing of the turn the western world has taken. Ea... Read more

by | October 22, 2013

Penguin joins our Booktoberfest celebration – you could win their entire showcase worth over $950!

How would you like to give everyone you love a book for Christmas… without you having to pay a cent? To help us celebrate Booktoberfest our pals at Penguin Books are giving you the chance to win all of the books in their Booktoberfest Showcase. Order any of the books in the Penguin Booktoberfest Showcase to go into the draw to win their entire showcase! Click here to enter the Penguin sho... Read more

by | October 17, 2013

First Official Full-Length Trailer For Tim Winton’s The Turning Released

The first full length trailer for the film adaptation of Tim Winton’s 2005 short story collection, The Turning, has been released. Have a peek below. Doesn’t it look fantastic! A huge production across all facets of the Australian arts community featuring acclaimed writers, directors, actors and cinematographers, along with the Artistic Director of Bangarra Dance Theatre, Stephen Pa... Read more

by | August 28, 2013

Excitement About Tim Winton’s New Novel Eyrie Continues To Grow

Last week we were lucky enough to get a couple of copies of Tim Winton’s new novel Eyrie. After an all-in-brawl John and Andrew came out on top and are already buzzing around the office talking about it. From the very first word you know you’re reading a Winton, like a child never forgetting their mother’s voice. Get in early and pre-order your copy, Eyrie is something you don... Read more

by | July 5, 2013

A First Look At Tim Winton’s The Turning

Audiences can now get their first look at Tim Winton’s The Turning following the release of a teaser trailer ahead of the film’s upcoming world premiere and cinema release. The Turning, an adaptation of Winton’s best-selling novel of the same name, consists of 17 chapters that each features a different director and stellar cast. Under the guidance of curator Robert Connolly (Balibo), first time... Read more

by | July 3, 2013