Search results for tag: Markus Zusak

Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief to be adapted into a film starring Geoffrey Rush

Huge news today as it was announced Markus Zusak’s bestselling novel The Book Thief will be adapted into a film, starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson. Industry sources told Booktopia that filming will start in Berlin on the 25th of February, with a shoot schedule of 58 days. The book focuses on Liesel Meminger and her younger brother, who are taken by their mother to live with a foster... Read more

by | February 6, 2013

Australia’s Favourite Novelist: The Countdown Continues

What a journey it’s been. From the hundreds of nominations, to the tens of thousands of votes, and here we are at the last day of the countdown to Australia’s Favourite Novelist. For those who are coming to the party a little late, here’s the story so far:   So sit back and enjoy as the countdown towards Australia’s Favourite Novelist continues…. 10. Rachael Johns ... Read more

by | January 25, 2013

10 Australian books to read before you die – First Tuesday Book Club

The First Tuesday Bookclub on the ABC recently held a popular vote for the 10 Australian books to read before you die. We watched with bated breath as the list was released, and thought we’d share it with you it case you missed it. While there will be as much talk about the books not on the list as on it, it really is a great place to start with Australia novels. If there’s anything... Read more

by | December 5, 2012