Warm, witty, fun and clever, author Monica McInerney would be a great best friend to have. How nice to be able to turn to Monica for advice about family, love, life and friendship whenever we needed it! She is so heart smart! Alas, we can’t all have Monica in our life. Thank goodness we have her novels. They are the next best thing to having a 24hr on call Monica… and they have sold... Read more
Search results for tag: Hello from the Gillespies
BOOKTOBERFEST GUEST BLOG: The Wonder of Books by Monica McInerney
Looking back, I’ve had a pretty busy fourteen years. As a writer, here are just some of the things I’ve got up to: – I spent ten months running a winery-restaurant in the Clare Valley. – My two sisters and I had a big falling out and didn’t speak to each other for three years. – I moved to New York, where I not only found a job with a cantankerous old woman, but also met the l... Read more