Search results for tag: Ben Affleck

Cover for Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl Film Tie-In Revealed

If you thought Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl was a hit, it’s only going to get bigger as the hype grows for the October 2 release of the film adaptation, directed by David Fincher and starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. And with every film adaptation inevitably comes a film tie-in edition. Fans around the world hold their breath hoping the new cover will do their beloved novel justi... Read more

by | August 4, 2014

Oscar spoiler alert – And the Best Picture is…..

Look away if you’re taping the Oscars and watching them tonight, but Booktopia is proud to announce that….. ARGO has won the Best Picture for 2013. Directed by and starring past Oscar-winner Ben Affleck, Argo is the extraordinary story of the evacuation of a group of American consular officials during the Iranian Shah crisis in Tehran in 1979. The amazing thing about Argo is it play... Read more

by | February 25, 2013