Yoga : The Iyengar Way - Silva Mehta


The Iyengar Way

By: Silva Mehta

Paperback | 10 November 2020

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Yoga gives the energy to lead life fully and with enjoyment. Time spent alone in practice puts mundane issues in perspective and builds a fund of inner strength. Family, friends, and work all benefit. We illustrate the value of Yoga in everyday life by giving a brief outline about ourselves. I had an accident when I was 25 in which I sustained a crush fracture of the spine. I was in tremendous pain. Doctors, surgeons, naturopaths, and osteopaths predicted I would be in a wheelchair by the time I was fifty. A few years later I developed osteoarthritis. I was living in India at the time. A naturopath friend told me: "There is only one thing for your arthritis - Yoga and Mr. Iyengar." I knew very little about Yoga, but within three weeks I was in B.K.S. Iyengar's class and have been ever since, whenever the opportunity presented itself, and so have my children. In India there is a saying, "When the pupil is ready, the Guru appears." We must have been ready. Starting Yoga gave me periodic, almost miraculous, lifting of pain, and the feeling of excitement and euphoria. I began to shake off the depression caused by physical agony. Over the years Yoga has improved my physical health, and has given me a new outlook and optimism. Far from being in a wheelchair, I am able to help others surmount their physical problems. Teaching Yoga has been rewarding and satisfying.


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