Women in Biology : Science Wide Open - Danielle Pioli

Women in Biology

By: Danielle Pioli (Illustrator), John J. Coveyou (Editor), Mary Wissinger

eBook | 1 March 2017

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Can one girl's questions change the world?

Women in Biology follows a conversation between an inquisitive young girl, who wonders what living things are made of, and a scientifically astute narrator, whose answers are both accurate and approachable to a young mind. In this way, learning the basics of biology becomes a natural outcome of enjoying the story.

Designed to motivate girls to learn more about living things and see how one person can change the world, this book has been peer reviewed by an extensive team of scientists, science educators, and parents. One reviewer writes, "You have somehow hit a fine balance between age-appropriateness and factual correctness in both the art and the text."

Delve into the minds of inspirational women who've changed the world with their scientific discoveries. Scientists profiled include Maria Sibylla Merian, Hildegard of Bingen, Linda Buck, Barbara McClintock, and Jane Cooke Wright. Concepts covered in this book include: cells, receptors, DNA, genes, metamorphosis, observations, research, hypotheses, experiments, and more.

This engaging story of women who have done pioneering work in biology sold more than 3,000 copies in its original Kickstarter run. The first book in the “Science Wide Open” series, Women in Biology is the perfect place for children to start their own journeys of discovery and wonder.
Industry Reviews
Awesome book! My daughter will be turning 4-years-old soon and this was a great book to read so she could start understanding the concept of biology. The role models used were excellent. She was asking a lot of questions after we were done reading! We need more books like this to inspire our future generation of girls that they can be anything they set their mind to.

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