Who's On the Money? : Our Stories Series - Chris Miles

Who's On the Money?

Our Stories Series

By: Chris Miles

Paperback | 1 March 2007 | Edition Number 1

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Meet the movers and shakers of Australia’s history.

A full colour history of Australia told through the lives of the men and women who decorate our banknotes, this reference work for upper primary school students charts the development of Australia as a nation through the history of our money.
  • Breadth of material - can be used to introduce a range of curriculum areas, including settlement, convict transportation, federation, women’s rights and the First World War.
  • Short, sharp fascinating facts and anecdotes.
  • Full colour, fascinating archival photography.

About The Author

Christopher Miles used to trace maps from the Melways and go exploring in outer suburban Melbourne on the weekends. He didn't discover any new continents, but he did find a park he hadn't seen before. Well, more a strip of grass than a park, really. But the thrill of discovery - and his fascination with maps - never left him.

He has worked as a hospital orderly, proofreader, bookseller, editor and website developer, and lives in Melbourne with his partner, his daughter and the ghosts of three chickens.

Our Stories