When Every Moment Counts : What You Need to Know About Bioterrorism from the Senate's Only Doctor - Bill Frist

When Every Moment Counts

What You Need to Know About Bioterrorism from the Senate's Only Doctor

By: Bill Frist

Paperback | 21 February 2002

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Bioterrorism has quickly become one of the most pressing and disturbing issues of our time. Our nation's leaders warn that the threat of germ weapons by terrorists is real, and, more importantly, that the United States remains highly vulnerable. Such statements have led to a national sense of fear and unease. Every American wants answers-what can we do to protect our families and loved ones? Enter Senator Bill Frist, M.D. At this crucial time, Senator Frist wants to provide all Americans with an accessible and comprehensive guide to dealing with the realistic threat of bioterrorism. Written in an easy-to-use question and answer format, complete with photographs of the varying symptoms and a full index, When Every Moment Counts is an essential manual for every American.
Industry Reviews
Senator Bill Frist, M.D. is an outstanding senator and accomplished physician with a global perspective and experience in medicine and public health. He is particularly attuned to the concerns and questions of the American people. Perhaps no issue has raised more concerns and questions than the recent bioterrorist attacks. Bill Frist has listened and he has responded superbly in this book entitled WHEN EVERY MOMENT COUNTS. It combines quality science with sensitive dialogue and will be a valuable reference for years to come. -- David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D., Former Surgeon General and Assistant Secretary for Health
Sound science and smart medicine by a man who has practiced it...Everything we wish we didn't have to know, in case we need to know it. -- Bono, U2
With this important book, Senator Bill Frist has made another major contribution to the nation's preparedness for bioterrorism. It can serve as a guide for every family on the actions they can take to meet the challenge of bioterrorism. -- Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)
Apropos the terrorism concerns of the times, an easy-to-read, how-and-when-to book that will also lessen anxiety and prevent panic; the best advice I have read. -- C. Everett Koop, U.S. Surgeon General, 1981-89
Dr. Bill Frist is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met. As a doctor, he has personally saved thousands of lives; in this book, he may help save millions of lives. As a U.S. Senator, he touches the lives of all Americans. If you buy only one book this year, this should be it. -- Dean Ornish M.D., founder and president, Preventive Medicine Research Institute; Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; author of Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease
Vital, timely, practical, and most importantly, accurate information that's also easy to read. It could only have been written by someone who is both a dedicated lawmaker and an experienced doctor. This book belongs in every household as long as the threat of bioterrorism exists. -- Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D., Distinguished Professor of Clinical Medicine, Cornell Medical Center, and author of The Best Treatment and Live Now, Ag
Senator Frist draws on his knowledge of medicine, public health, and human nature to address pressing questions about how we can protect our families in the event of a bioterror attack-something about which the nation knows far too little. His recommendations will not only help prevent infection, they will help prevent panic-and panic can be as great a danger as disease. His leadership was critical during the anthrax attacks, and he has proven himself to be a credible and authorative voice on these issues. His valiant efforts continue in the pages of this book. -- Former Senator Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative
Lawmaker by day, good samaritan by night, Sen. Bill Frist is a doctor turned politician who occasionally attends are openings at his family endowed museum - but prefers to spend his vacations visiting remote African villages to dispense lifesaving care. -- David von Drehle * The Review of Higher Education *
From anthrax to nerve gas, he explores threats and US preparedness. He states that knowing the basics of microbes as weapons 'goes a long way to reduce anxiety and minimize any chance of paralysis in our lives.' * The Dallas Morning News *
Aims to arm U.S. citizens with the know how to prepare for a biological attack...he explores threats and US preparedness. * The Dallas Morning News *
Shows awareness is the key to survival...there's a growing market for advice on dealing with emergencies. * Rochester Democrat and Daily Chronicle *
Sen. Frist advised Americans to include masks in their disaster kits in his book. * Los Angeles Times *
...designed to satisfy an apprehensive public's appetite for information from a reliable, authoritative source. * Newport News Press *
Us Surgeon General C. Everett Coop has called the Tennessee Republican's tome "the best advice I have ever read." * Townhall.Com *
These information packed tomes are just the latest entries in a niche market that barely existed three years ago. Get batteries, bottled water and one of these new books if you know what's good for you. * Dayton News *
you'll want to pack items such as duct tape, bottled water, batteries - along with this survival book of course. * Victor Valley Daily Press *
The book draws on the US governhment's own tools to protect its personnel, its years of research and protocols. * Orlando Sentinel *
The research is really impressive, yet it's a really simple book to use. * The Express Times *
Bill Frist gives straight forward advice on how to prepare for a biological attack. A valuable, thoroughly informative, easily understood manual. * Tennessean *
For Americans who fear domestic terrorism and want to know what to do for protection, publishers are meeting demand by churning out survival manuals. * The Columbus Dispatch *
Shows that the only antidote to fear is knowledge Three of newest survival guides for terrorist attacks focus on awareness and preparation. * Times Union, Gainesville Sun *

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