Wedding Reunion with the Best Man/Bound by a Ring and a Secret : Heirs to an Empire - Donna Alward

Wedding Reunion with the Best Man/Bound by a Ring and a Secret

By: Donna Alward, Jennifer Faye

Paperback | 21 April 2021

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Wedding Reunion With The Best Man - Donna Alward

A family unexpected reunion.

Twelve years ago Arabella Pemberton and Burke Phillips were in a life-changing car accident. Though Burke escaped with surface wounds, successful businesswoman Bella still carries the physical and emotional scars of that night. Reunited at a wedding in Italy, old feelings reignite, and Bella realizes that Burke is the one person she can truly share herself with, the one person who can show her what she’s been missing...

Bound By A Ring And A Secret - Jennifer Faye

A mistaken identity...a proposal that changes everything!

Photographer Gianna is done with men. Retreating to her villa on the shore of Lake Como, Gianna is stunned to find gorgeous Dario renting her house! When Dario is mistaken for her long-gone fiancé, they realise a fake engagement could solve problems for them both. Pretending to be in love should be easy, but what happens when very real feelings start to grow?

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