We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog : Charlie and Lola Series - Lauren Child

We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog

Charlie and Lola Series

By: Lauren Child

Paperback | 5 October 2006

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Lola and her best friend, Lotta, just love dogs, and when they get the chance to watch an adorable sausage pup named Sizzles, they are thrilled! Everything goes well until they lose hold of the leash . . . and Sizzles runs off. Will they find him before his owner returns, or be banned from dog-sitting forever?

About the Author

Lauren Child is the multi-talented prize-winning creator of the characters Charlie and Lola, Clarice Bean and Hubert Horatio Bobton-Trent. She has won the Smarties Gold Award, Smarties Bronze Award, Kate Greenaway Medal and been shortlisted for the Children's Book of the Year at the British Book Awards. Lauren lives in London.

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