Uses of the Bible VI : Anglican Lectionaries 1549-1949 - Fabio Mora

Uses of the Bible VI

Anglican Lectionaries 1549-1949

By: Fabio Mora

Paperback | 17 May 2015

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How the Bible is read, i.e. what is proposed as an institutional liturgical reading by every single denomination or what is absorbed by the most influential readers of the Bible of every denomination and re-emerges in their of spiritual or homiletic writings - this will be investigated by this series of studies united by the general heading Usi della Bibbia. This study aims to document the evolution of the Anglican lectionary as organic selection of readings, which had a very profound impact as a biblical acculturation remained unique in Christianity with regards both to the breadth of reading and its speed within the New Testament; it was indeed based on an unusual double daily encounter of the parish population with the word of God proclaimed from the pulpit, rather than on individual or family reading, as usual for the Lutheran Bible, read more intensely but as every other profane book. More specifically in this book are documented four centuries (1549-1949) of the evolution of the Anglican lectionary and its main "regional" variants, Scottish or American Episcopal: the choice to stop before Vatican II is related to the impact that the new epochal form of the Catholic lectionary, with its three years rhythm of Gospel readings, had on whole Christianity.

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