Urban Curating : Care, Repair, Refuse, Resist - Elke Krasny

Urban Curating

Care, Repair, Refuse, Resist

By: Elke Krasny

Paperback | 28 July 2026 | Edition Number 1

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How are art, architecture, critical research, and activism entangled with the politics of urban transformation under the regimes of modern capitalist colonialism and contemporary neoliberalism? Accelerated developments heighten classed, gendered, and radicalized urban injustices.
Addressing these issues, Urban Curating is concerned with the interconnectedness of economy, ecology, and labor in urban history as well as practices of remembrance. Drawing on the author's work as an urban curator in cities such as Hong Kong, Vancouver, and Vienna, the focus is on caring repair, refusal, and resistance - fighting the spatialization of injustice by building feminist solidarities and emancipatory imaginaries.

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