Unleashing Your Brilliance : Tools and Techniques to Achieve Personal, Professional and Academic Success - Brian E. Walsh

Unleashing Your Brilliance

Tools and Techniques to Achieve Personal, Professional and Academic Success

By: Brian E. Walsh

Paperback | 29 July 2005

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The reader is given many tips on how to go beyond conscious learning to more easily absorb information. The content has been designed to appeal to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Each chapter can be reviewed with both a crossword puzzle and an online introspective tool. This enables a deeper integration of the material. In easy-to-understand language, this book explains, how the brain processes information, how learning is affected by emotions and core beliefs, and how innate brain wiring can be altered both intentionally and unintentionally. It is ideal for corporate learners, college/university students, home-schooling parents.

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