"Watkins's tone is appealingly conversational, and his lucid prose and easy-to-follow meditation exercises help bring the sometimes abstract contours of spiritual minimalism down to earth." --Publishers Weekly
"Travel Light ultimately serves as a breath-of-fresh-air guide for how to be present in the modern day. Light's words and stories feel like a good friend that helps bring you back to your most important relationship when things get a little messy--the relationship with your Self." --Adriene Mishler, founder of Yoga with Adriene and Find What Feels Good
"Travel Light encourages readers to follow their curiosity, to live authentically to their inner guidance, and to always make decisions from the heart. Then every day becomes a new opportunity to do something that changes the course of the rest of our lives." --Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Happiness
"Light has lived out of a backpack now for four years. This is not a stunt or a gimmick but the commitment of a serious man to living a life based on the truths of the Inner World and the infallible wisdom of the heart. Travel Light is the best possible portal--and Light Watkins, the most generous and soulful guide--to this experience and this discipline. Can I give Travel Light six stars?" --Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art
"This book is full of simply told, relatable stories that will leave you inspired to start traveling light on your very next trip." --Leon Logothetis, author and creator of The Kindness Diaries
"Light is a true master at taking complex practices like meditation and minimalism, and not only simplifying them but inspiring you to try them as well. Travel Light is a must-have for every spiritual practitioner." --Chip Conley, bestselling author and founder of the Modern Elder Academy
"Travel Light is a concentrated distillate on all things simple whenever your life feels bloated, creaky, and full. Take two pages and call me in the morning." --Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Book of Awesome
"Light's unique approach to minimalism is so refreshing. This is just the book for showing you how to move through life in a way that truly serves what's in your heart." --Kute Blackson, bestselling author of The Magic of Surrender
"After reading and inhaling the message of Travel Light, for the first time in my life I traveled to Europe with a carry-on, inspired by Light's philosophy and way of living. I found the joy of letting go of excess baggage inwardly and outwardly. Read this book, and then give it away to a friend, and carry it in your heart. It will free your mind and spirit!" --Agapi Stassinopoulos, bestselling author of Speaking with Spirit
"Light is such a great storyteller. You can crack Travel Light open to any page, and before you know it, you will be inspired to give this unique style of minimalism a try." --Lewis Howes, author and founder of The School of Greatness
"Travel Light reminds us that our most important possession is our inner guidance. And that when we make room to follow that voice within us, we become aligned with the true abundance of life." --Ava DuVernay, award-winning filmmaker
"Light is speaking my language in his beautiful new book. Spiritual minimalism is a much-needed antidote to our seemingly endless scramble to get somewhere, to be someone, and to make things happen. Our harried, busy, distracted lives are not only bad for the planet but also bad for us. Thanks, Light, for directing us on a different path." --Pam Grout, #1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared and nineteen other books
"It's so easy to get hung up on mental clutter. In Travel Light, my friend Light Watkins not only shows you how to declutter your mind but also provides you with step-by-step instructions for connecting with your inner guidance to live a more fulfilled life." --Mark Hyman, MD, bestselling author of Young Forever