The War of the Worlds : Everyman S - H. G. Wells

The War of the Worlds

By: H. G. Wells, Arthur Charles Clarke (Editor)

Paperback | 1 March 1994 | Edition Number 2

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First published in 1898, The War of the Worlds was, and remains, one of H.G. Wells's finest works. Forty years later, a radio broadcast from Wells's tale fooled thousands into thinking the East Coast had fallen victim to Martian attack. When a small cylinder crashes just outside London, onlookers are not prepared for what is about to be unleashed. Shortly after the onslaught begins, Earth fights back but is quickly brushed aside as the Martians destroy everything in their path. Soon London is evacuated and the hope mankind survives disappears. ..".at the turn of the century and the mentalities of society back then, no one had entertained the idea of an extraterrestrial invasion before. Period." - Nicholas Grabowsky, from his introduction

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