The Vengeful Virgin : A Hard Case Crime Novel - Gil Brewer

The Vengeful Virgin

A Hard Case Crime Novel

By: Gil Brewer

Paperback | 29 March 2011

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Her wealthy stepfather was dying - but not quickly enough. What beautiful 18-year-old would want to spend her life taking care of an invalid? Not Shirley Angela. But that's the life she was trapped in - until she met Jack. Now Shirley and Jack have a plan to put the old man out of his misery and walk away with a suitcase full of cash. But there's nothing like money to come between lovers - money, and other women...

About the Author

Gil Brewer was the author of some of the best-selling paperback original crime novels of the 1950s. He broke into print with the legendary Gold Medal imprint in 1950, and produced a series of hits that included 13 French Street, The Red Scarf, A Killer Is Loose, and So Rich, So Dead. A number of movies have been based on Brewer's work, including 3-Way, starring Gina Gershon.

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