The Tiptoeing Tiger - Philippa Leathers

The Tiptoeing Tiger

By: Philippa Leathers

Hardcover | 1 March 2018

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Everyone in the forest knew that tigers were sleek, silent, and totally terrifying ... but no one took any notice of Little Tiger.

From the creator of The Black Rabbit and How to Catch a Mouse comes the story of Little Tiger, a small tiger who thinks he is sleek, silent and totally terrifying, but just can’t seem to scare a single animal in the forest!

He's just a little too ... well, little. He's determined to prove himself, though, so sets out on tiptoe, creeping through the forest to find someone to scare. Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe... ROAR! But will he find anyone to scare?
  • Every child who has ever crept up behind someone and shouted “roar!” will enjoy this utterly adorable story with a gentle final twist
  • Perfect for children who long to be bigger than they are; who just want to be one of the 'big kids'...

About the Author

Philippa Leathers studied graphic design, illustration and animation, and currently works as a freelance animator and illustrator. She is the author-illustrator of How to Catch a Mouse and The Black Rabbit, which was shortlisted for the inaugural Oscar's First Book Prize. Her animation credits include work on the Charlie and Lola and Peppa Pig TV series. She lives with her family, a grey tabby cat named Emmi and two rabbits, Benji and Kiki, in Kent.

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