The Time Machine : Phoenix Science Fiction Classics - H G Wells

The Time Machine

By: H G Wells

Paperback | 15 April 2009

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*** The Phoenix Science Fiction Classics series has been designed for the convenience of students. Special margins provide liberal space for students to take notes. *** These distinctive trade paperbacks have also been priced to make them one of the most affordable critical series in the market today, making them easily accessible to students of all economic means. *** Each book includes notes, critical essays, chronologies, bibliographies and more. *** *** The Time Machine is widely credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel using artificial constructs. The book has inspired a number of movies and television shows as well as countless other books and is still considered one of the finest tales in the genre. *** The book tells a tale of an unnamed amateur inventor who demonstrates the existence of a fourth dimension by using a specially built miniature machine. He then uses a full-sized apparatus to transport himself into the future and there meets the Eloi and the Morlocks-descendants of humans who have evolved, or devolved into sub-human creatures. *** This edition includes critical essays by acclaimed author and senior lecturer (Arizona State University) Paul Cook and by Alexei and Cory Panshin (adapted from their Hugo-winning work on science fiction, The World Beyond the Hill).

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