The Soul Unearthed : Celebrating Wildness and Spiritual Renewal Through Nature :  Celebrating Wildness and Spiritual Renewal Through Nature - Cass Adams

The Soul Unearthed : Celebrating Wildness and Spiritual Renewal Through Nature

Celebrating Wildness and Spiritual Renewal Through Nature

By: Cass Adams (Editor)

Paperback | 1 December 2001

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It is within the sanctuary of the wilderness, far from their computer screens and local espresso vendors, that highly acclaimed writers such as Robert Bly, Maxine Kumin, Terry Tempest Williams, and more find their strongest voice. These vivid stories of encounters with animals, wretched weather, fear, humility, and ultimately, with spirit are gritty and as down to earth as it gets. New material from David Whyte, Gary Snyder, Wendell Berry, Nancy Wood, Deena Metzger, and Laura Carithers add an additional ten pages to this second edition.

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