Part One: Overview of International Psychological Ethics
1. Ethical Principles, Values, and Codes for Psychologists: An Historical Journey
Carole Sinclair
2. An International Perspective on Ethics Codes for Psychology: A Focus on Test Development and Use
Thomas Oakland, Mark M. Leach, Dave Bartram, Geoff Lindsay, Ann-Charlotte Smedler, and Houcan Zhang
3. Ethical Dilemmas, Cultural Differences, and the Globalization of Psychology
Jean L. Pettifor and Andrea Ferrero
4. Professional Ethics and Enhancement of Competent Practice
Karel A. Soudijn and Ype H. Poortinga
5. Ethical Perspectives and Concepts
Haldor Øvreeide, Polona Matjan
6. Ethical Decision Making
Geoff Lindsay
7. When Things Go Wrong: On Mediation, Arbitration, Corrective Actions and Disciplinary Sanctions
Casper Koene
Part Two: Current and Emerging International Ethical and Professional Development Issues
8. Ethical Standards, Credentialing, and Accountability: An International Perspective
Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel and Basak Kacar Khamush
9. The Tale of Two Universal Declarations: Ethics and Human Rights
Janel Gauthier and Jean L. Pettifor
10. The Search for Common Standards: A Case of Research Standards
Mark M. Leach, Ben Jeppsen, and Steve Discont
11. A Call for Ethical Standards and Guidelines for Cross-Cultural Research Conducted by American Psychologists
Brent J. Lyons and Frederick T.L. Leong
12. Ethical Issues of Web-Based Interventions and Online Therapy
Michelle Hilgart, Frances P. Thorndike, Jose Pardo, and Lee M. Ritterband
13. Principles of Indigenous Ethics and Psychological Interventions
Natasha A. Tassell, Averil M. L. Herbert, Ian M. Evans, and Patricia Young
14. Psychological Ethics and Immigration
Mihaela Robila and Adeyinka M. Akinsulure-Smith
15. Principles, Standards, and Guidelines That Impact Test Development and Use and Sources of Information
Thomas Oakland
16. Global Test Security Issues and Ethical Challenges
David Foster and Harold L. Miller, Jr
17. Psychologists and Prisoner Interrogations
Norman Abeles
Part Three: Psychological Ethics in Wider Contexts
18. Ethical/Deontological Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology
José M. Prieto, Pedro Chacón, and Carolina Marín
19. Ethical Issues and Ethics Reviews in Social Science Research
Douglas R. Wassenaar and Nicole Mamotte
20. Law
Stephen Behnke
Part Four: Psychological Ethics by Region: Convergence and Divergence
21. Ethics and South African Psychology
Saths Cooper
22. Latin and South America
Andrés J. Consoli, Rubén Ardila, and Andrea Ferrero
23. North America: Canada and the United States
Gerald P. Koocher and Thomas Hadjistavropoulos
24. Psychological Ethics in Chinese Societies
Charles C. Chan, Alvin S. Leung, Peter W. Lee, L. Wang, and K. Zhang
25. Psychological Ethics in Europe: Convergence and Divergence
An-Magritt Aanonsen and Katharina Althaus
26. Psychological Ethics in Oceania: Convergence and Divergence
Alison F Garton and Alfred Allan
Part Five: Economic, Political, and Social Influences on Psychological Ethics and Ethics-Code Development
27. Psychological Ethics and Macro-Social Change
Michael Stevens
28. Argentina
Andrea Ferrero
29. Aotearoa/New Zealand
Fred Seymour and Raymond Nairn
30. Russia
Boris B. Velichkovsky and Alexander I. Yuriev
31. Turkey
Yesim Korkut
32. Concluding Chapter: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
Geoff Lindsay, Michael J. Stevens, Mark M. Leach, Andrea Ferrero, Yesim Korkut
Michael J. Stevens and Alyssa A. Sondalle