Architectural Papers is a series of books published by the Chair of Josep Lluis Mateo, department of architecture (D-ARCH) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). Established in 2005, the series covers a wide range of topics related to teaching architecture and architectural culture in general. It aims at expanding the theoretical boundaries of the discipline. Contributors include distinguished architects and thinkers of our time, while a strong focus remains set on the content produced as part of the educational curriculum at ETH Zuerich. The series is being published by Park Books. The Middle East describes this region from a contemporary architectural perspective. The Middle East has been at the heart of the Old World since the beginning of time. Recent history has widened our idea about this region from that of a petrified place where nothing changes to a site of immense opportunities where everything is possible. The future of the architectural profession and its exciting possibilities are being tested there now. This new book comprises essays reflecting visits to countries in the region and describing manifold aspects, interviews with distinguished personalities, along with a selection of paradigmatic projects. It aims to describe the manifold facets of the Middle East. Contributors are practicing architects, renowned academics, artists and experts from the region. All material in the book has been produced exclusively for this program and is published here for the first time. Also available in the Architectural Papers series: Expression ISBN: 9783906027043 AUTHORS: Jose Lluis Mateo runs his own studio mateoarquitectura in Barcelona and is a professor for architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). Krunoslav Ivanisin graduated in architecture from the University of Zagreb (Croatia) in 1996. He is is working as a practising architect in Dubrovnik and Zagreb teaches as a visiting professor at BIArch (Barcelona Institute of Architecture) and the department of architecture (D-ARCH) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). 140 colour, 50 b/w illustrations