The Mask of Destiny : The Billionaire Trilogy Series : Book 3 - Richard Newsome

The Mask of Destiny

The Billionaire Trilogy Series : Book 3

By: Richard Newsome

Paperback | 3 October 2011 | Edition Number 3

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The police have finally caught the evil murderer Sir Mason Green. The third casket and whatever treasure it contains can remain a secret just as the Fraternity wished. Gerald can relax and enjoy his billions.

Or can he?

At his trial, Green drops dead in the dock. Forensics show he was poisoned by a dart—and Gerald's DNA is on the blowgun.

Then a mysterious cat woman steals the ruby, the key to the third casket. A mysterious woman with a store of poison darts, who happens to be Sir Mason Green's niece, Charlotte.

Now Gerald is on the run, with Ruby and Sam, wanted for murder. Can they beat Charlotte to the ruby casket and prove that she killed Green?

It's a quest that takes them to caverns beneath the island castle of Mont St Michel in France, locked rooms in the Vatican and the ancient hidden city of Delphi in Greece to discover the secret of the three caskets and the great power they hold.

About the Author

Richard Newsome (1964 - still kicking) was born in Wanganui, New Zealand and lived the first few years of his life on a small farm among the sheep and pigs. His family moved to Australia when he was two-and-a-half and generously took him along as well.

He enjoyed school but despite decent grades chose to become a journalist. He spent many years chasing police cars, ambulances and politicians. He eventually went to university and graduated with a first class honours degree in economics, which still doesn't get him decent tables at restaurants. He worked in business for a bunch of years but decided that ditching his career and becoming an author was more dignified than buying a red convertible.

His debut novel The Billionaire's Curse, which won the Text Prize for Young Adult and Children's Literature in Australia, is the first in a trilogy and is being published in seven countries.

Richard stands six foot two in his socks and one day hopes to afford some shoes.

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