The expulsion of the Christians from the Holy Land in 1291 was far from being the end of the crusading movement. Crusades continued for three centuries over a vast area stretching from Morocco to Russia and played an important role in the politics and society of late medieval Europe. The first study to focus in depth on the later crusades, this book explores with clarity and insight developments in all the areas touched by crusading activity. Housley examines the evolution of the international military orders and the Christian "frontier states" associated with crusading, focusing especially on Greece and Cyprus. Illuminating the massive range and energy of the crusading movement in the late middle ages, he reveals the formidable problems which, as the period progressed, increasingly doomed crusades to failure, and shows how practical crusading was in a condition of decay before the Reformation destroyed the religious framework in which it had once flourished.
Industry Reviews
'The author has devoted great care and a breathtaking range of scholarly reading to making what he has to say clear and accessible and his publishers have wisely connived at the growth of what was intended to be a shorter book. They have also allowed him the apparatus of maps and bibliography which adds so much to the usefulness of the book. ... Thanks to his book it will be possible for his successors to set sail with confidence that they will neither
fall off the edge of the knowable world nor encounter any mythical beasts.'
Peter Rycraft, French History
`magisterial study of the late medieval crusades ... Housley's study will undoubtedly fuel debate and further research into this much neglected area of history'
`The book really fills a gap. It reads well and is easy to use. I was impressed by the bibliographies.' M. J. Angold, University of Edinburgh
`This book clearly and effectively fills a long-standing gap in the literature.' D. A. L. Morgan, University college London
`Very important subject on which there is not other general survey of this high quality.' Malcolm Barber, University of Reading
`This a brilliant book - and easily the best survey of the Later Crusades ever written in any language.' Professor J S C Riley-Smith, Royal Holloway University of London
A new book on this era of the crusading movement was badly needed. Lecturers and students alike will appreciate such a lucid text.' Dr Trevor John, University of Warwick
`The fullness and detail of the treatment, together with the bibliographical survey, make it indispensable.' Professor I S Robinson, Trinity College, Dublin
`Most impressive grasp of very varied sources and theatres of war and is unique of its kind and will be the standard work on the later Crusades as a whole for a generation. Also admirably lucid prose-style.' Jonathan Shepard, Cambridge University
`This book enlarges understanding of the crusades at many points, and it will surely long hold the field as the classic on its subject.' Times Higher Education Supplement
`... those readers who are willing to take the risk will be amply rewarded by the wide-ranging and lucid account presented here.'
Nissim Rejwan, The Jerusalem Post
'Housley has provided a useful survey of late medieval and early modern Western expansion in this three-century overview of the later crusades ... the book merits recommendation for its great scope and its comparison of so much European and non-Western interaction in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, and the northern seas, as well as its assessment of the impact of the Reformation on this endeavor.'
J.F. Powers, College of the Holy Cross, Choice, Apr '93
'epic book'
Medium Aevum, Vol. LXII, No. 1
'a valuable survey of military campaigns, governmental planning, religious evolution, and social change ... It will be welcomed as a useful synthesis and praised for its thoughtful consideration of the role of crusading in medieval society ... Housley's study stands as a commendable achievement in campaign expositions recommended for their detail and contextual analysis, and his vision of pious devotion is considerate of medieval culture's persistence
through centuries of change.'
Lorraine Attreed, Holy Cross College, The Historian, Vol. 55, No. 4, Summer '93
'Housley, who is clearly steeped in his subject, brings to the work the necessary tools, precise prose, and nuanced thought. This is an extremely useful book, written in a highly literate and slightly elevated style. There is a useful list of rulers, and a good index. Those wishing a survey of this subject cannot do better.'
Frederic H. Miller, California State Fullerton, History, Fall 1993
'This is the first substantial synthesis on the subject of the later crusades since the publication of A. S. Atiyah's The Crusade in the Later Middle Ages in 1938. Given the massive amount of research which has been undertaken since that time this is surprising, and it has presented Professor Housley with formidable problems of assimilation and organization. He has overcome these problems with great skill, writing with clarity and authority about
a wide range of geographcial areas. This book therefore at once establishes itself as the standard account.'
Heythrop Journal
'Covering a vast canvas and drawing upon an impressive corpus of up-to-date scholarship, The Later Crusades never degenerates into a dry narrative of projects and campaigns... he has produced a fine book that will remain the standard work, and the basis for further research, for many years ahead.'
Peter Jackson, Ecclesiastical History, Vol.45, No. 3, July 1994