The Land of the Mirthful : Stopwatch Series : Book 2 - Ambelin Kwaymullina

The Land of the Mirthful

Stopwatch Series : Book 2

By: Ambelin Kwaymullina, Blaze Kwaymullina, Ezekiel Kwaymullina, Sally Morgan

Paperback | 1 July 2009

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A stopwatch has sixty thin black lines, each marking off the seconds in a minute. But in Tom's stopwatch, they are also gateways to sixty different worlds. . .

At his grandfather's request, Tom and his new sidekick, Bilby, are sent on a mission to save the Land of Mirthful. Tom is welcomed by the grumpy monarch, Queen Mavis, who threatens anyone who laughs with the punishment of death. It turns out that she is a common fishwife who seized power and is not the rightful ruler of the Land of Mirthful - and without a proper queen, their world as they know it is doomed...

About the Author

Sally Morgan is both a writer and a visual artist. Sally loves animals and is passionate about the Australian bush. Sally has written books for both children and adults. Her autobiography, My Place, is an Australian classic. It has been published in a special children s edition called Sally s Story. Together with her adult children, Sally wrote the Stopwatch series as well as several picture books, including Curly and the Fent, Curly Saves Grandma s House, Sam s Bush Journey and Me and My Dad. Sally is a respected visual artist whose work has won international acclaim. She is represented in galleries in Australia, US and elsewhere. Sally is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of northwest Western Australia.

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