Chapter 1: Like a Borrowed Cat ............................................................... 5
Chapter 2: A Good Cat Doesn't Need a Collar of Gold.............................14
Chapter 3: A Cat's Resentment (toward those who help it) ......................22
Chapter 4: Like a Cat Playing with a Walnut ............................................35
Chapter 5: A Long Bath from a Cat's Tongue...........................................48
Chapter 6: A Cat's Craving for Cold ..........................................................56
Chapter 7: Better to Enclose a Cat Than to Scold It..................................64
Chapter 8: All Cats Are Grey in The Dark...................................................71
Chapter 9: When a Cat Washes Its Face, a Guest Will Arrive....................77
Chapter 10: To Change Like a Cat's Eye....................................................85
Chapter 11: No Cat Was Seen on The Street ...........................................101
Chapter 12: Like a Cat Burying Poop ...................................................... 109
Chapter 13: Not Even a Kitten Around......................................................120
Chapter 14: An Umbrella to a Cat .............................................................132
Chapter 15: Three Months Is a Year to a Cat ............................................137
Chapter 16: To Indulge a Cat......................................................................145
Chapter 17: Give Catnip to The Cat...........................................................149
Chapter 18: Act Like a Cat, or Act Like a Tiger..........................................157
Chapter 19: When a Cat Washes Its Face, It Will Rain.............................165
Chapter 20: A Cat That's Always Mewing Doesn't Catch Mice ................173
Chapter 21: A Cat's Tail ............................................................................181
Chapter 22: A Flea in a Cat's Teeth...........................................................194
Chapter 23: Like Silver Vines to Cats ....................................................... 201
Chapter 24: Want to Borrow a Cat's Paw..................................................207
Chapter 25: It Will Work Some Meow (Somehow).....................................210
Epilogue: The Cat's Repayment................................................................222