"Spectacular. . . .
The Buried Giant has the clear ring of legend, as graceful, original and humane as anything Ishiguro has written." --
The Washington Post "An exceptional novel. . . . The Buried Giant does what important books do: It remains in the mind long after it has been read, refusing to leave." --Neil Gaiman, The New York Times Book Review
"Lush and thrilling, rolling the gothic, fantastical, political, and philosophical into one." --The New Republic
"Mesmerizing. . . . A provocative, multilayered mosaic. . . . Lifetimes of myth, allegory, and epic discoveries are contained within." --The Christian Science Monitor
"A literary tour de force so unassuming that you don't realize until the last page that you're reading a masterpiece." --USA Today
"Splendid. . . . Excellent. . . . The Buried Giant is a simple and powerful tale of love, aging and loss." --The Wall Street Journal
"Ishiguro is a master of the uncanny. . . . Few write about the mysteries of the human experience with such grace as Ishiguro, and his prodigious gifts are evident throughout the novel." --San Francisco Chronicle
"Devastating . . . As emotionally ruinous an ending as any I've read in a very long time, and it made me circle back to the opening pages, to re-enter the strange mist of this sad and remarkable book." --Mark O'Connell, Slate
"A profound meditation on trauma, memory, and the collective lies nations and groups create to expiate their guilt." --The Boston Globe
"If forced at knife-point to choose my favorite Ishiguro novel, I'd opt for The Buried Giant. It uses the tropes of fantasy to set up a smoke-screen which the book then, by twists and turns, dispels. This reveal gives the book a shadow-plot, and layers of mystery . . . An ideas-enabler, a metaphor-animator." --David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas and The Bone Clocks
"Ishiguro is a deft gut-renovator of genres, bringing fresh life and feeling to hollowed-out conventions. . . . The love story at its center shimmers with a mythic and melancholy grace." --Vulture
"A beautiful, heartbreaking book about the duty to remember and the urge to forget." --The Guardian (London)
"Powerful and disturbing. . . . Provokes strong emotions--and lingers long in the mind." --The Economist
"A beautiful fable with a hard message at its core. . . . There won't, I suspect, be a more important work of fiction published this year than The Buried Giant." --John Sutherland, The Times (London)
"A novel of imaginative daring that, in its subtleties of tone, mood and reflection, could be the work of no other writer. . . . In the manner of Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Ishiguro has created a fantastical alternate reality in which, in spite of the extremity of its setting and because of its integrity and emotional truth, you believe unhesitatingly." -- Financial Times