"We've had the audacity to fight for social justice for all LGBTQ citizens. This book highlights the contributions our community has made to the world in science, technology, business, religion, sports, the arts, government and entertainment. It is dedicated to all LGBTQ young adults and teenagers with big dreams and the perseverance to make those dreams come true. This book is sure to empower the next generation of LGBTQ youth to find their passions and transform the world."
-Kate Kendell, Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights
"For all LGBTQ teens and young adults, this book will help inspire and empower you to become your best selves. This book shares how the LGBTQ community has made invaluable contributions in the fields of science, technology, business, government, education, and the arts. It throws open the doors of queer possibility making it clear we can use our imagination to make distinctive marks on our world however we choose."
-Dustin Lance Black, Academy Award-winning Screenwriter, "Milk"
"Throughout history, the LGBTQ community has been erased, marginalized or vilified. Since the passing of the F.A.I.R. Education Act in California, that wrong is being corrected at long last. The inclusion of the contributions of the LGBTQ community to society is required to be taught in history and social studies classes in the California public schools. This book shines a spotlight on the amazing contributions to science, technology, business, government, education, sports and the arts of our community. School kids will learn that we are more than the stereotypes the media has projected and how our dedicated efforts in a variety of fields have enhanced the common good."
-Ardel Thomas, Ph.D. Chair, LGBT Studies, City College of San Francisco
"Give this book to the young people in your life! It will offer inspiration regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. For LGBTQIA young people in particular-for whom coming out can be a tremendously isolating experience filled with uncertainty-this book provides a glimpse into the lives of well-known LGBTQIA people who live full, productive and happy lives, providing hope and strength for their journey as they grow into their blessed, God-created selves."
-Bishop Karen Oliveto, Ph.D., First Openly Lesbian United Methodist Church Bishop, Author, Together at the Table : Diversity Without Division in the United Methodist Church
"The need for positive role models in the LGBTQ Community has never been greater. In a divisive political climate, books like this one encourage and inspire LGBTQ youth to focus on their part in advancing society. Whether in science, technology, education, sports, government or the arts, the LGBTQ community has made an indelible mark on the world. Undaunted by prejudice, marginalization, discrimination and violence, the community has persisted and dedicated its efforts to the greater good. In the words of MLK Jr., 'the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.'"
-Libby Schaaf, Mayor of Oakland
"Right now, more than ever, we need these stories of sheroes and heroes and gender-expansive warriors to inspire us on our paths toward justice. Kathleen Archambeau and Eric Rosswood have eloquently lifted up these stories for all of our benefit, showing us queer and trans people as powerful agents of change, love and liberation."
-Sean Dorsey, Trans Choreographer and Activist, Founder and Artistic Director, Fresh Meat Productions (2001-Present)
"Growing up in my Maori indigenous culture of New Zealand and with a father who was a leader of our local marae, sacred communal gathering place for 30+ years, I lived the value of community. We believe that we are never alone, our ancestors are always with us and so we share a collective and interconnected identity that helps us to stand strong in solidarity with our ancestors. This book may help you to remember that we are all connected to a global Rainbow family. Find the people-within family, friends, teachers, coaches, counselors, pastors-who will support you and help you on your sexual orientation and gender identity journey. We are the potential of our ancestors, free and equal and we are never alone."
-Louisa Wall, Member of Parliament, New Zealand; Author of the Successful Marriage Amendment Act; Co-Chair of Cross-Party Rainbow Group, New Zealand Parliament; Co-Chair Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians, New Zealand Parliament ; Co-Chair of the First International Congress of Parliamentary Women's Caucuses, Dublin, Ireland, 2018
"This book should be required reading in schools and homes. All people-however they are born-should be free to reach their full potential. It is only an uninformed society which creates hurdles in this direction. Here we have the evidence that sexual orientation need not get in the way of success. Let us celebrate and speak about the high achievements of these great people, in the hope that they will be an inspiration to LGBTIQ youth. I thank the authors for creating this platform to commemorate these accomplishments."
-Dr Helena Dalli, Minister for European Affairs and Equality, Holder of European Diversity Award