The Art of Assassin's Creed : Black Flag : Volume 4 - Paul Davies

The Art of Assassin's Creed

Black Flag : Volume 4

By: Paul Davies

Hardcover | 29 October 2013

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With 55 million units worldwide, Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise is now established as one of the best-selling game series ever.

The recently announced Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag sees a sea change for the game franchise with a harsh new setting in the Golden Age of pirates.

With intricately detailed environments and finely honed and evocative historical re-imaginings, The Art of Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag includes the game's vast nautical gameplay, and its amazing range of locations, characters and action.

About the Author

Paul Davies has worked in gaming journalism for twenty years, writing and editing magazines and websites including Official Nintendo and Computer & Video Games. He is the co-founder and director of media agency Unlikely Hero Ltd. whose clients include Yahoo! UK and Microsoft.
Industry Reviews
"Ubisoft has definitely set the bar high for artistic design in their games and Titan Books should be the standard that any game related artbook strives towards, both in quality and price." - Game Skinny

"Stunning and beautiful" - Atomic Moo

"For those on the fence about the book itself, I'll give you the two scenarios that will net you the book 1) you are an avid video game art book aficionado who collects these for the love of the art, or 2) someone who really likes the game and wants to see the color commentary of the art and effort put in to creating the stunning images that keep the gamer enthralled in the game." - Urban Vinyl Daily

"Gamers who follow the Assassin's Creed franchise will find this massive art book breathtaking. With literally hundreds of illustrations that depict Edward Kenway's evolution from pirate to assassin, this book is a visual feast that will intrigue and mesmerize anyone who has ever played the game." - Barnes and Noble Book Blog

"Clocking in at 192 pages, The Art of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is a visual record of the game's most captivating characters and locales. It's arguably the best art book in the series too" - Destructoid

"If you love the game and the art involved then I absolutely recommend picking up this book." - Diehard GameFAN

"AC4's book delivers on every level when it comes to art books. There's really no comparison, the book is so intoxicating you'll want to reread the damn thing." - Adventures in Poor Taste

"As a point of fact, there is absolutely nothing about this book that isn't incredible. Titan has nailed down the physical construction of the book, delivering high quality binding and beautiful color saturation wrapped in a protective jacket around a solid binding. The material is equally substantive, showing off the collective work of hundreds of man hours from a team that is clearly passionate about their work. If you are a fan of Assassin's Creed or just an aficionado of incredible artwork from The Golden Age of Pirates, you cannot go wrong with this book." - Gaming Trend

"With current generation games hitting their heights and next generation titles launching, there are a slew of art books detailing some of the year's biggest releases." - Yahoo Games

"Fans of Assassin's Creed and pirate collectors will definitely want to pick up this beautifully collected art book." - Retrenders

"If you are a fan, you want this." - Next Power Up

"Gorgeous hard-cover" - Destructoid

"Highly recommended for rabid fans" - Project Fandom

..".a detail walk through of the design choices and concept art that went into the look and feel of the game...really fascinating..." - Twin Geeks

"Absolutely stunning... a great addition to your gaming memorabilia or to gain deeper insight into the development of the Black Flag itself." - This is Xbox

"The book gives a good view of what it takes to create a truly beautiful world that the game takes place very impressive." - Pissed Off Geek

"Frankly, whether you are a fan of the game or not, it is gorgeous." - SFF World

"There's a feeling of bonding between yourself, the book, and the game that keeps you engaged and eager to read on." - Gaming Bolt

"If you love pirates, shipwrecks, gorgeous art, and Assassin's Creed, be sure to snag this one!" - Nerdy But Flirty

"For enthusiasts of the Assassin's Creed series, or for anyone that appreciates an insider glimpse of what goes into creating the aesthetic trappings of a big budget game, The Art of Assasin's Creed IV: Black Flag is a jewel just waiting to be unearthed." - Delta Attack

"With all the commentary and high quality art to look at, it's definitely worth the money for anyone that's a fan of the series." - Critiques 4 Geeks

"In a year of good art books, this stands out as one of the must-haves." - Video Game Writers

"I think it is the most beautiful and fully packed art book I have read." - Giant Bomb

"This is quite possibly the best Assassin's Creed artbook so far. It's a terrific video game artbook....Highly recommended to those who like concept art and fans of the game." - Parka

"A gorgeous companion to a gorgeous game." - Only SP

"Ubisoft's vision of 'The Golden Age of Piracy' spills out over 192 pages of detailed character and costume designs, epic sea battles, majestic shipwrecks and painterly sea vistas beautifully representing the more than 50 unique locations" - VG Blogger

"If you're a fan of the Assassin's Creed series or are a fan of art and concept art, be sure to check out this book" - Nerd Reactor

Art of Assassin's Creed

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