Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis, Volume 2 : Festschrift in Honor of Toshiyuki Kobayashi - Michael Pevzner

Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis, Volume 2

Festschrift in Honor of Toshiyuki Kobayashi

By: Michael Pevzner (Editor), Hideko Sekiguchi (Editor)

Hardcover | 14 March 2025

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Symmetries in Geometry and Analysis is a Festschrift honouring Toshiyuki Kobayashi. The three volumes feature 35 selected contributions from invited speakers of twin conferences held in June 2022 in Reims, France, and in September 2022 in Tokyo, Japan. These contributions highlight the profound impact of Prof. Kobayashi's pioneering ideas, groundbreaking discoveries, and significant achievements in the development of analytic representation theory, noncommutative harmonic analysis, and the geometry of discontinuous groups beyond the Riemannian context, among other areas, over the past four decades.

This second volume of the Festschrift contains original articles on analytic methods in representation theory of reductive Lie groups and related topics.
Contributions are by Salem Ben Said, Valentina Casarino, Paulo Ciatti, Jean-Louis Clerc, Jan Frahm, Joachim Hilgert, Toshihisa Kubo, Khalid Koufany, Quentin Labriet, Karl-Hermann Neeb, Yuri Neretin, Gestur Olafsson, Bent Orsted, Toshio Oshima, Birgit Speh, Jorge Vargas, and Clemens Weiske.

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