Sweet Nothings : Handmade Camis, Undies and Other Unmentionables - Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader

Sweet Nothings

Handmade Camis, Undies and Other Unmentionables

By: Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader

Spiral Ringed Book | 1 October 2009

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Sweet Nothings and sexy somethings: that's what's in this delicious collection.Lovely lingerie is one of the trendiest items with the hip sewing crowd - and these creative designs are adventurously fun, extraordinarily pretty, and wonderfully sensuous.

With everything from low-rise panties and camisoles to comfy PJs and slinky robes to choose from, women will delight in discovering their personal style - and even adding their own flair to the delectable garments.

A basics section covers everything stitchers need to get started! Patterns are also included at the back of the book.

About the Author

Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader made a pair of pink culottes when she was eleven years old, and has loved fabric ever since. She's a senior editor at Lark Books, and has written and edited many books related to textiles and needlework. Valerie knits every now and then, too, and dreams about making art quilts.

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